In 2014, I came across research into the Flat Earth. I didn't believe it but challenged myself to look deeper to try and disprove this crazy notion. After two years of research, I had to admit I've been brainwashed from a very early age. This is not an easy realization as most people look at you like you've lost your mind. What changed my understanding was the fact that water always seeks its own level and cannot bend or stick around the outside of any shape. Plus, how stars have remained in the same positions for thousands of years, as we're supposedly speeding through the Milky Way Galaxy at 490,000 mph. There are no satellites, other than CGI images of them in space. The real ones they send up tethered to a balloon. Cell phones, GPS, dish television all work from cell towers. I have always wondered why TV dishes don't point into space but at the nearest cell tower. To what end you might ask? I believe it's to control us into believing that we're nothing special and that we're without purpose and to remove our creator and our divinity. Unfortunately you can't be told any of this, you have to discover it for yourself. Every sense we have tells us we're flat and stationary. Nonsense tells us otherwise.
Acrylic on canvas
16" x 20"